I’ve spent the last week setting up Rapicorn and Beast with travis-ci.org,
a free continuous integration service for Github. Since travis is only
available for Github, this means the Beast Git repository…
Trying to keep it up, here’s an update on recent developments in Rapicorn
and Beast. Git Branches For now, Rapicorn and Beast are using Git branches
the following way: Topic branches are created for each change…
Yesterday I spent some 14+ hours on getting a templated undo method wrapper
going. Just to throw it all away this morning. Here’s what I was trying
to achieve, the C version of BEAST implements undo as follows…
A good while ago at a conference, I got into a debate over the usefulness
of TLS (thread-local storage of variables) in performance critical code.
Allegedly TLS should be too slow for practical uses, especially…
Giving in to persistent nagging from Stephen and Stefan about progress
updates (thanks guys), I’ll cherry pick some of the branches recently merged
into Rapicorn devel for this post. We’ll see if I can keep…