Image: Anklang 0.0.1 Snapshot

The first pre-release of Anklang was uploaded to Github a couple days ago. The Anklang project is a digital audio synthesis application for live creation and composition of music or other audio material. It merges several new developments and (Beast) rewriting efforts by Stefan Westerfeld and me.

Starting a new project from scratch was the easier and quicker approach, with all the changes involved in moving to a modern file format, recreating the UI in a new language plus new technologies, using a new IPC layer and reinventing the synthesis engine in modern C++.

This brought much quicker results, compared to continued work on the aging Beast code base and a conversion tool is being worked on to carry over what is possible from old files. The tool is set to be integrated when the Anklang features set is ripe.

This pre-release show cases some of the new technologies, although the code still has alpha quality, others are still in the queue to be integrated soon and unpolished areas are also to be addressed. Currently, it may be an interesting piece for the adventurous to play around with, so feedback or contributions will be very welcome.

Here is the release announcement on the Anklang website: Anklang 0.0.1-alpha1

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