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Gtk+ User Interface Builder
What is/was GUBI?
GUBI has been an approach on implementing a graphical user interface
builder, based on the
As of late August 1997, work has been abandoned for various personal
and technical reasons.
In January 1998, a new project
has been started, that imlements building facilities completely
different from the ones used formerly by GUBI, at least from a
technical viewpoint.
The source code for GUBI is still available, though it relies on a
very old version of the
Toolkit, that's totaly been revised since.
GUBI used to support little more than fourty widgets and already
implemented simplistic means for signal handler connections.
Here's an old screenshot of a "HELLO WORLD" example file
(`hello_world.gbc') that hides and shows a widget by using standard
gtk+ functions that are connected to the signals of the corresponding
buttons, without the need of a single line of C source.
Where can I get GUBI?
If you are interested, the last releases a still kept online at:
Related links
The Gtk+ Toolkit
a Gtk+ Layout Engine
GNU Emulator of a Virtual Terminal
A Gtk+ User Interface Builder by Damon Chaplin
Gtk+ Tutorial
Gtk+ FAQ
Gtk+ Mailing list archive
gtk-list Mailing List Archives from gtk-list@redhat.com
Gtk+ Mailing list archive
GUBI and this page are written and maintained by
Tim Janik